The World’s Largest Island Within a Lake on an Island Within a Lake on an Island

Yes, it exists. And it still exists, even though the volcano erupted a few years ago.

The tiny little island of Vulcan Point in the Philippines is the world’s largest island within a lake (Crater Lake) that is situated on an island (Volcano Island, or Taal Island) located in a lake (Lake Taal) within an island (Luzon).

It also happens to be one of the cones of the active Taal Volcano, so Vulcan Point is also the world’s largest volcano in a lake (Main Crater Lake) on a volcano (Taal Volcano).

Crater Lake also happens to be the largest lake on an island (Volcano Island) in a lake (Lake Taal) on an island (Luzon). Interesting piece of land indeed.


Also known as a third-order island, Vulcan Point formed when the main crater of Taal Volcano, known as Main Crater Lake, filled with water.

The tip of one of the volcano’s cinder cones rises from the turquoise waters of the lake, forming the small island of Vulcan Point.

Vulcan point within Main Crater Lake, within Taal Volcano, within Lake Taal, within Luzon Island. Image credit: TheCoffee (Mike Gonzalez) via Wikimedia Commons

The elevation of the island was reduced by 1-3 meters (3-10 feet) during an eruption in 1911, creating Main Crater Lake.

Taal Volcano, with a history of eruptions dating back to 3580 BCE, is the second most active volcano in the Philippines and its caldera is where Main Crater Lake is located.

The eruption of Taal Volcano in January 2020 temporarily altered the unique formation of Vulcan Point, as it caused Main Crater Lake to dry up and disappear.

Fortunately, IFLScience reports that the lake soon refilled, much to the satisfaction of fans of this remarkable island-within-a-lake-within-an-island-within-a-lake-within-an-island setup.

The island in question is so tiny – it is really third order.

But of such a lovely order.

Via The Internet and Stuff, GEOMETRX, Thrillist, IFL Science

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