Woman Feeds Birds To Capture Stunning Close-Up Pics While They Eat

When Lisa M. Ca moved from Germany to Michigan to live with her husband she noticed that while the weather and seasons are quite similar in both places, the birds are different.

“I wanted to get a little closer and started researching what cameras are out there as a little addition to my DSLR. This is how I found the Bird Photo Booth,” – Macomb County resident Lisa told MT.

After she posted the images on Facebook, they instantly went viral. This is when she decided to start a blog. Be sure to follow her Tumblr page for more pictures!

#1 You lookin’ at me?

#2 Those colors ate amazing!

#3 So? I’m short for my weight!

#4 What a shot!! You should submit this to photo contests!

#5 He’s like: THIS IS MY FOOD

#6 He is all, “MY FOOD MAN, BACK OFF” and he is all “HOLY MOLY cool it fam!”

#7 U wot m8?

#8 Omg it looks like hes holding a little bag of popcorn

#9 Wow! That color!

#10 Those eyes.. beautiful but a little creepy!

#11 Family meeting at the feeding hole!

#12 Rufio!!!!

#13 “What do you mean you’re all out of raisins?”

#14 What? I`m not gonna share, piss off!

#15 It seems this one is taking a selfie !

#16 he’s full on glaring at that camera like ‘dont touch my f**king seed’

#17 Whoops. Forgot the gel today.

#18 Wave off! Wave off! You’re coming in too hot!

#19 romantic dindin

#20 It could be the new meme for: “when people ask me which is more important? food or love? i dont answer… because i’m eating”

#21 the derp is real

#22 What are you doing, stupid flightless beast? Do I look like a photo model?

#23 Hmm, I`ve seen you somewhere…

#24 Take me out to the ballgame.

#25 hmmm, still can’t figure out

#26 I`ll be your model!

#27 A lady Cardinal

#28 food is love, food is life

#29 Let me show you the lining of my new cape.

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